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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Time Management > Time Setup > Project >
Project Activities

Project Activities is used to add available activities for a project. This is required to create "Time Entries".


For example, a "HR" project will include "Employee Administration" as an activity whereas "System Development" will include "Interface Design" as an activity.



  1. Set the access for "Project Activities" as "Active" under " Role Menu Access " to allow users create adjustments.
  2. A project must have at least 1 activity in order to enter time against the project.

Steps to create a Project Activities:
  1. Select the "Project " from the list. This load the available "Activities ".
  2. Tick the box next to the activity to select an activity.
  3. Click on the "Add" button at the bottom to add the activity to the project.
  4. Click on the "Save" button.
  5. To remove an activity, select the activity under "Assigned Activities", click on the "Remove" button and "Save".

Figure 1: Project Activities